Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Monomyth and the Cosmogonic Cycle free essay sample

At the turn of the 20th century, monomyth, by definition, is the outline that associates a story to a human experience. The term was originally created by the author James Joyce, in his novel, Finnegan’s Wake, And then and too the trivials! And their bivouac! And his monomyth! Ah ho! Say no more about it! I’m sorry! I saw. I’m sorry! I’m sorry to say I saw! (Joyce 575) Few decades later, Joseph Campbell, a grad student at the time, writes a book on the Monomyth, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. In his first work that utilizes the monomyth, Joseph Campbell draws â€Å"how these repetitive universal myths are evident in our stories, in our lives and in our souls. † (â€Å"Monomyth. org†) In this novel, Campbell presents the notion of â€Å"A Hero’s Journey,† or the concept that every story has the same basic structure and plot line which makes use of interchangeable units. We will write a custom essay sample on The Monomyth and the Cosmogonic Cycle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Also, according to Literary Theory: An Introduction, a book written by Eagleton, â€Å"As long as the structure of relations between the units is preserved, it does not matter which items [one] select[s]. † (Eagleton 83) An example of a renowned fiction that follows the Cosmogonic Cycle is Star Wars. The story begins when the hero is called to adventure: R2D2’s holograph of Princess Leia: classic princess in distress. Among the three general division of the Cosmogonic Cycle, this is where the â€Å"separation† begins. The second stage is the â€Å"refusal of call†; Uncle Owen tells Luke of his other important duties. However, when Luke finds his family house burned, the â€Å"answering call† stage is initiated. Soon, Luke meets the â€Å"guide/talisman† figure, Obi Wan Kenobi, an old family friend who offers help. Luke also meets â€Å"companions† such as R2D2 and 3CPO, his servants that are ironically related to other figures he encounters in the story. The last stage of the separation, â€Å"entering the belly of the whale,† is when the crew is trapped in the Death Star because of the tractor beam. (Sparks) The second stage of the Cosmogonic Cycle, â€Å"Initiation,† gradually builds up the suspense for the third and the final stage of â€Å"return† ; the â€Å"dragon battle,† Vader battles with Obi Wan, followed by â€Å"ritual death, dismemberment: sparagmos,† the death – or disappearance – of Obi Wan. The return of Obi Wan as a spirit is the stage of â€Å"recognition by the father,† as one can also recognize Obi Wan as the father figure of Luke Skywalker. Luke saves Princess Leia, thus passing the stage of â€Å"apotheosis. † Star Wars then lays the final portion, â€Å"return,† beginning with â€Å"refusal of return† when Han Solo refuses to go back to Death Star. However, Han decides to come back for his companions to protect Luke, the stage of â€Å"rescue from without. † In the next stage, â€Å"crossing return threshold,† Falcoln then escapes the exploding Death Star with great luck and effort. Recognition of Han and Luke by the rebel troops is the final stage, â€Å"master of two worlds,† and ends the story and implies its sequel. (Sparks) The monomyth is very important in the human psyche. According to Campbell, The human psyche is essentially the same all over the world. The psyche is the inward experience of the human body, which is essentially the same in all human beings, with the same organs, the same instincts, the same impulses, the same conflicts, the same fears. (â€Å"Monomyth. org†) Archetypes are similar to the idea of the monomyth in that archetypes discuss similar storylines, usually pertaining to â€Å"Fairy Tales†, while the monomyth refers largely to heroic stories. However, both relate the stories’ themes to the human mind. From several studies performed by Freud and Jung, clear connections have been made from narrative to psyche. It is from these studies and philosophies that Joseph Campbell was able to create a highly developed theory of the monomyth. Monomyth also serve the purpose of telling a significant story that is vibrant for the human mind and remains inside our minds for a long period of time. As a result of the magnificent narratives which follow the cosmogonic cycle, the human mind is able to investigate the narrative’s themes in their own subconscious, provoking their very own â€Å"Hero’s Journey† to begin.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Getting Started With a Sample New SAT Essay

Getting Started With a Sample New SAT EssayA sample New SAT essay may be a bit daunting at first, but it can definitely help you get started in your quest to write a top grade on your New SAT essay. There are many tips and tricks that will help you when it comes to writing an essay. If you want to write a quality essay for the SAT, then these tips should help you.There are some other things that you need to keep in mind when you are writing a New SAT essay. These tips will not only help you improve your essay, but will also help you master this part of the exam.The first tip is to make sure that your essay is well organized. Your essay should have a purpose, which is to answer a question. Be sure that you do not just throw all of your thoughts into one big pile. Make sure that your essay follows a format, which will help you organize your thoughts.The second tip is to put your essay in a logical order. If you do not know how to structure an essay, then this will come in handy because you will be able to easily understand your essay if you follow the basic format that is set up by the college admission committee.Finally, when it comes to writing an essay for the SAT, it is very important to use great examples. The SAT is an exam where you are expected to be critical of your own thoughts and abilities. Using examples from your life will help to reinforce what you are saying about yourself.There are many different tips that can help you improve your SAT essay. If you are looking for a sample New SAT essay, then there are a number of websites that can help you.If you want to take your SAT essay to the next level, then you should consider taking college essay writing classes. You will find that these classes will help you understand how to structure a great essay.Remember that writing an essay for the SAT is very different than writing an essay for other tests. It is crucial that you follow the basic format when writing an essay for the SAT, so that you will be able to explain yourself effectively.