Sunday, January 26, 2020
Skinhead Subculture History
Skinhead Subculture History Here is a definition of what is a skinhead: It is a young man of a subculture characterized by close-cropped hair and heavy boots, often perceived as aggressive, violent, and racist. Skinheads are not the evil fascist (Nazis) (as youve probably heard of many times on the news and so on). Indeed, one has to mention that theyre not all white or they dont even all have their heads shaved, although the majority do. Initially, the skinhead style emerged in 1966 from different elements which eventually gave one definite style by 1967. This continued, developed and matured until 1972, and then the real origins and reasons for the emergence of the cult get lost in outrage, acts of violence (and so far) to become for most people who grew up before the sixties and still nowadays, another unpleasant aspect of modern youth. This presentation is intended to try to understand the several issues in this subject, how the movement came about, how we could describe the archetypal skinhead of 1967-1972 period, how this subculture seemed to represent the multiculturalism and also to show the drifts towards extremism, focusing on the fact that it was only mainly excesses. The Skinheads, during this period, show such a pride and passion for their style that it seems as well very meaningful to tie this subculture to the notion Britishness. To what extent the skinhead subculture is linked to British values and traditions? ORIGINS To better apprehend where does it all comes from, it is impossible not to evoke the Mods movement. In Britain, in the late 1960s there existed a youth sub-culture known as Mods (cf. Swinging London). Mod (from modernist) is a subculture as well that originated in London, England in the 1950s and was at its height in the early-to-mid 1960s. The significant elements frequently associated to the subculture are fashion for example, music and motor scooters (Vespa). Youve probably all already seen their well-known symbol, which was originally The Royal Air Force roundel (cf. picture). After 1964, mods split up. (a lot of) hard mods or tough Mods (those who enjoyed most the fighting with Rockers in Brighton or Eastbourne) began to cut their hair close to the scalp (cuir chevelu), first as a fashion statement. But it was also due to the fact that it kept their hair out of their faces and on the other hand, made it impossible to grab during a fight. Moreover it was a way to be distinct from their enemies, the Rockers, who had long hairs and a quiff slicked back (=banane). So they soon evolved into Skinheads. Carnaby Street was no longer the symbolic place of the Swinging London it used to be, known nowadays for its awfully high number of touristsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦) and the fashion scene, and mods were simply swept away. Skinheads could be really identified as a separate group in 1968 because of their distinctive dress and appearance, the type of music which they liked and the tough, aggressive behaviour they displayed. The emergence of the skinhead style represented a counter-revolution. This revolution took place amongst the working class youth of London and other cities. The movement was non-political and gave off the impression of an aspiring white working class The skinhead style is smart, clean and tough. It is a precise uniform which proclaims identity. They rejected the finery and the slightly effeminate characteristics of the mods and the hippies for clothes that represented more their working class background. They needed clothes that would not get torn in a fight, which would stay neat. So, the famous skinhead itself is typically closely-shaved head for men and a Mod-style short feather cut for girls. The Ben Sherman trend prevailed from mod fashion with button-down, gingham (=vichy) shirts. The size of the check of the shirt (=carreaux) denoted your place in the gang the larger the check the more authority you had in the group. Sta-Prest ( slack (=pants, falzar) and (tough working jeans were the choice of trousers. As a matter of interest it is said that there are many skinheads who would sit in a bath of water with their shrink-to-fit Levi 501 jeans to get the extreme skinny-legged look. Jeans were inevitably tucked into a pair of Dr Martens boots or industrial boots. The look was completed with a pair of braces (=bretelles) a trilby or pork pie hat and even donkey jackets, army greens. To give you a fuller description of their style, it is to be said that if daytime clothes were loose and hard wearing, clothes worn in the evening were well tailored and expensive. That is a feature which is less known. The aim was to outflash/impress/not to get unnoticed (everyone) at the dance hall. Hard Mods as well as the skinheads often lived in the same economically depressed areas of South London as West Indian immigrants and began to emulate (=imitate, follow the example of) what is known as the rude boy ( look of pork pie hats ( and short Levi jeans; which is in fact a way to describe the black youths of the time. This leads us to emphasize some features (often forgotten/left out) that strongly prove the multiculturalism of the skinhead style. MULTICULTURALISM In establishing their own style, the younger brothers of the mods adopted certain elements of the mod style, combined them with items from traditional working clothes, borrowed some influences from the West Indian blacks and became skinheads. As weve just mentioned it, the other source of the skinhead style was the hip young West Indians of the inner city areas, such as Lambeth of Brixton (south of London). Their cool, disdainful attitude to strangers and their style and exuberance in the dance hall made them respected and admired by their white contemporaries. Indeed, the whites and the blacks mixed freely at dance halls and clubs, both indulging a common love of dancing and music. About their haircut for their example, one has to mention that again, this feature was copied from the West Indians who used it as part of their own hairstyles. Skinhead was not about colour, race, religion, national origin, or anything of the sort. It is a kind of brotherhood of individuals who share the same passions. Regarding the music now, and that is almost the most important feature of this subculture as any youth cult needs its own type of music. Music serves to identify and unify members of the group, as well as to entertain. The mods had soul, the Motown sound and beat music. It was necessary for the early skins to obtain a separate musical identity. They adopted the Jamaican music which the black communities in South East London had brought from their homeland and which was the popular music of the Rude Boys. The bouncy, jumpy beat in reggae was chosen by the skins and later, some specific skinhead records were even published. Because of the extrovert character of the West Indian blacks and of the music they played, there was no antagonism between skins and blacks. Indeed, many blacks were skinheads or formed their own crews, such as the Kilburn Blacks and the Kilburn Whites. Another import from Jamaica was Rastafarianism (To make a long story short, mystical cult based on and concerning the downfall of the white colonial races). As its popularity grew, the association of skins and blacks in a common form of music had come to an end. So, at the beginning, skinheads were not racist and more than this, the subculture was strongly rooted in the British values accepting and even taking part in the integration of different cultures such as the Jamaicans. VIOLENCE IN THE SKINHEAD SUBCULTURE AND DRIFTS TOWARDS EXTREMISM So how things turned bad? The escapism from the Skinheads gritty (=rough) industrial reality then took a darker turn (to the football terraces where) as these kids were also a major part of football hooliganism, which is an unfortunate tradition that still exists in Britain today. Once again, a deeply rooted tradition in British society. The aggressive football hooliganism against rival teams became their new entertainment. Each week fans donned (=revà ªtir) the colours of their team and rooted and cheered. (until their faces turned blue.) They also consumed a tremendous amount of alcohol. The highlight of every match was the brawl (=rixe, bagarre). The fights often would pour out into the streets and would involve chains, boots, fists, and anything else they could get their hands on (couteaux, tessons de bouteilles). What is weird is that they were these same thugs who we were talking about earlier. To relax after the fight (aprà ¨s la rencontre et les rixes), they would dress in the best threads (=fringues) that their blue-collar pay cheques could get them, and go and dance, party, and drink all night with the relatively large Jamaican immigrant population and the music they brought with them ska. Paradoxically, Ska and Reggae music often (influenced/associated by/to Rastafarian beliefs, support to the poor and unprivileged) was fashionable among this minor but violent subculture known as skinheads who were known for their racism and violence. Anyway, it is quite sad but football violence at the time was common and there was an increased policing of the fans. Also skins were extremely defensive of their own territory for example, and each gang, called a crew, had its own area which it defended. Contrary to black communities, Asian immigrants had a different, closed way of life and did not blend with traditional working class or East End ways of living. There was a threat of settlement by immigrants and a demolition or removal to overspill/overpopulated area. Skinhead violence may be seen as one response to such changes in society. They looked like an army and, went into action like one. That is one of the description of skinheads you could find. Also, generally, short hair is associated in the public mind with convicts, prison camp inmates and the military (that is to say violence). It was exactly this mean look which the skins wished to cultivate. This made them easy recruits for an ultra-right wing organisation, the National Front. They quickly earned a reputation for attacking blacks and Asians, as well as other minority groups such as hippies and gays. The sadly known Paki bashing appeared and was combined with queer bashing and even student bashing. This led to skinheads being both hated and feared. As the media caught on to this aspect of the cult, it caused some skins to leave the movement and in parallel more violent people to joint it. Eventually, this was one of the reasons which led to its decline in 1971/1972. There was no point in being a skin if you simply got caught by the police wherever you went. This also led to even more diversification among the skinhead ranks. An example in culture is the movie This Is England by the English director Shane Meadows. Not many directors are brave enough to out themselves as a teen racist, but for three weeks, at the age of 12, Shane Meadows fell in with the wrong crowd. He witnessed a horrific beating, which to this day fills him with shame. The event inspired this film, which documents the moment skinhead culture became ugly. It is a coming-of-age story set in a seaside town, in 1983, at the height of Thatcherism. Twelve-year-old Shaun Fields (the name is deliberately autobiographical) joins a gang of skinheads, but camaraderie gives way to tension as the National Front stir up (=remuer) racial hatred. Meadows says/testimonies/witnesses he understands how gangs fill a vacuum for youngsters with little hope. When youre 13 and youve got long, straggly hair and people are taking the piss out of your trousers, and you see this charismatic group of guys in smart Ben Shermans walking down the street, you want to be like them. CONCLUSION Skinheads created one of the most iconic youth movements ever to emerge in Britain. The sub genre known as Skinhead is of purely British origin, it is deeply rooted in a British tradition, for example through football and also connecting the British Isles to Jamaica and that what is interesting. But Skinheads crude political message of racism, hooliganism and street violence was much louder than its artistic one and, as a musical force, it quickly disappeared. It quickly became defined by terror, menace and racism. But beneath the shaved heads and steel-capped boots lay a more complex reality. In the early 1980s, skinheads of all types began to appear throughout the rest of Europe and the United States. Around this same time, many leftist skins began to organise in an effort to throw out the boneheads (cf.2). In 1986, a New York skinhead named Marcus, formed SHARP, which quickly spread throughout the rest of North America and Europe. The AFSA (cf.3) was formed specifically to expel boneheads from the scene. Example: In Toronto, a group of anti-fascist skins formed by a man named David Cheater consists almost completely of Jews. Skin Heads Against Racial Prejudice. Their term for the racist, fascist, Nazi, and other right-wing skinhead groups who were, in the eyes of the traditional skins, stealing their culture. Anti-Fascist Skinhead Alliance. I wanted to do them justice. Also what interested me were the differences between the prejudices and what is the reality behind this. A crew was predominantly a male group, like any other city gang, yet skinhead girls eventually became an accepted part of the scene. Moreover since only a policewoman can search a girl and there are fewer women police than men, girls became useful carriers of weapons or pills. The clothes of skinhead girls made them look superficially like the boys. Cant tell boys from girls from reporters.
Friday, January 17, 2020
History of Marriage Essay
Marriage is a social institution recognized by custom and law. It is a relation that exists between one or more men to one or more women. Custom or law gives recognitions of the duties and rights of the parties involved in such an institution. The union may result to children being born in it. In general, the societal expectation is one where there is sexual gratification between a husband and wife. There are legal issues that may arise as a result of adultery, which may force one partner to dissolve the marriage. This relation is at some point regarded as an economic institution in which a husband is fully responsible for the needs of the wife and children. With the current women empowerment in the society they are also able to provide for their families. A father has a general control and power over his family but for the children his powers are for a limited time. This comes as a result of the need for children to practice decision making and show responsibility especially at adulthood. Marriage is in accordance to the laid down custom or law and the consent of each parties involved must be considered. Parents for example may ask for a bride price and after this is settled a marriage takes place. These are important steps especially where the conditions stipulated by custom or by law are complied with. The origin of marriage is seen to be a habitual practice from the medieval period. A man and woman would live together, have sexual relations and from this union children would come forth. The father would play their role as a protector and supporter of his family while his wife nurses and cares for the family. As time passed it was accepted by custom and by law and it became legal social institution. Marriage is therefore seen to be an intimate relationship which the society, the government and religion recognizes. Marriage has many forms but the major one constitutes a man and a woman. Marriage is the basis of a family unit in which procreation takes place. Through a marriage setup children can grown, be protected and shown love through provision of food, shelter, clothing, education among others. There are a variety of intentions that one has in mind while planning to enter into marriage. Some of the major reasons may include need for legal stability, social and/or economic stability. Through marriage, there is a provider, protector and the union is legally bound. Marriage can be witnessed in a wedding celebration and this marks the beginning of individual obligation to each other and to the society at large. There have been changes in the understanding and approach of marriage from the older days. In the United States marriage for example was a consideration of status as well as an oversight on the future economic stability and prosperity of the person. It was therefore an economic arrangement in which one would choose their potential spouse and so they would plan to marry . Marriage ceremonies between same sexes were done in the 5th-14th centuries by the Roman Catholic Church. Many issues about marriage caught the interest of many leaders and Pope Alexander II in 1975, prohibited marriages between couples who were closely related and especially with no more than 6 cousins related to a person. In the 16th century, only with the permission of local political authorities, servants and day laborers would be free to marry in Bavaria and Austria. In1921 this order was fully abolished. Public wife selling was witnessed in the 1960s-1870s where a divorced wife was tied with a rope around her neck and sold in public. Until 1686, marriage was rather a civil ceremony for the puritans in Massachusetts Bay. In the British colonies, there was no penalty given for interracial marriages until 1662 when Virginia doubled fornication fines for interracial couples. Maryland banned interracial marriages in 1664 and subsequently, in 1750 interracial marriages had been outlawed in all southern colonies. Married women, until mid 19th century, had no legal standing under the English common law in all American states. It was until 1848 that women had the right to own property while married, through the Married Women Act. http://www. lulu. com/content/247174 At the age of 10 years, consent for sexual intercourse was allowed in most American states while in Delaware it was at the age of 7 years only. With parental consent young boys of 14 and girls of 12 would marry, as late as 1930. In 1940, married women could not make legal contract in twelve states. Anti-Miscegenation laws were declared unconstitutional in Virginia and other states such as Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and Texas among others. Fourteen states had in the fifteen years prior to the decision, repealed their anti miscegenation laws. This included Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Nevada, and Oregon among others. Ten states had by 1990, outlawed rape in marriage. This was after New York outlawed rape in marriage in 1978. Rape in marriage was seen as a crime in thirty-six states and this was only in certain circumstances. It was surprising that in four states, rape in marriage was never a crime. Marriage has had lots of controversies but the initial union in the religious world was the social union that benefited the society. It is seen as the union of one man and one woman blessed and united by a religious leader as seen in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhists and Hindu. The privileges enjoyed in marriages are of benefit while particular concerns were raised on homosexual couples. The commitment of traditional couples which constituted a man and woman could be seen as that of same-sex couples and so they have continued to fight for their rights and the legalization of their marriage. The sacred value of marriage should not be changed despite the fact that advocates are aggressive on the issue that it should be redefined to suit gay marriage. When the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court made a ruling in 2004, and said that civil union was not enough, this raised national debate. A number of people wanted the definition of one man-to- one woman to stand and others wanted it to separate same-sex institutions, with others against it. In 2004, California and New York mayors were authorizing same sex marriages while defying law and these marriages were said not to be legally binding. Nancy 2001) http://www. lulu. com/content/247174 In 1619, Virginia enacted a law in which if a bond married a Negro, Mulatto or Indian, they would be banished in the woods so that they are cast out of the colony. Later on, in 1724, there was introduction Louisiana after the slaves were freed. Laws that were known as black codes were used to control and even forbid marriages constituted by slaves while the slave master was not consented. In 1769, the English common law showed that husband and wife were one. A constitution was written in 1787 and was adopted the following year. It was effective in 1789 and replaced the articles of federation, which was the government document of the USA. It remains to be the basic law of central government. In 1839, Mississippi granted the women a right to hold, with their respective husbandââ¬â¢s permission, property in their own name. This saw many states legalizing this grant to women so that they would have control over property and earnings. This was in 1900. In the Missouri vs. Celia case of 1855, the case was used to show that enslaved women had no right or legal recourse if they were raped by their masters. This meant that black women had no right to defend themselves after an act of rape by the master. When the Mississippi black code was passed, it was an attempt to control slaves and ensure social inequality. This prohibited blacks, in 1865, from marrying whites and in this case, it was punishable as was seen through life imprisonment. http://www. lulu. com/content/247174 More was to come and in the United States, an immigration act of 1917 banned immigration of Asians and those with abnormal sexual instincts and until 1990, lesbians and gay immigrants were excluded from coming into the United States. (Nancy 2001) In a case of New York v. Sanger, doctors would advice married couples on use of birth control pills for health purposes. The law was still enforced but was overturned in 1965 on all state laws that prohibited the use of contraceptives. In 1948, in Perez v Sharp case, there was a ban on interracial marriage in the California Supreme Court. This was the first state high court to declare it unconstitutional but later on in 1967; the U. S Supreme Court declared that there was freedom to marry allowing for interracial marriages on all Americans. This was evidenced in the case of Loving v. Virginia. The immigration act in 1965 admitted different races and nationalities and emphasized on family reunification with great concern. The act defined a family to be strictly on hetero sexual and nuclear ties and banned on lesbian and gay deviates. In 1969, California adopted a divorce law that allowed divorce by mutual consent and especially where one party simply wants it. The major challenge in this was that one party can refuse to sign the separation agreement. In 1981, there was an over turn of events when the states laws described a husband as a head and master and having control of property which is jointly owned with his wife. Nancy 2001) . http://family. jrank. org/pages/1118/Marriage-Ceremonies. html Articles were published and they advocated for legalization of same-sex couples and this was especially because these authors were gay and wanted to pursue their demand. In 1990, the congress repealed ban on gay and lesbian immigration. Homosexuals were disqualified as foreigners and were not allowed to come in to the United States. It was in 1993 that Hawaii Supreme Court said that the ban on same-sex couples from marrying must be justified and in 1998, it was amended to allow strict marriage to men and women only . In 1994, gays and lesbians sought to be part of the humanitarian law as a social group rather than an immigration group. A Person Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act explicitly promoted marriage and formation of heterosexual families. The federal law supported two parent families and in the same year, 1996, the Defense of Marriage Act defined marriage as exclusively between one man and a woman. It was evident that this act did not recognize same sex marriage at all. In 1998, there was a covenant marriage legislation in which couples promised to stay together for life and that they would denounce the no-default divorce. In the same year, May 1998, Alaska ruled that it was a fundamental right to choose a marital partner. The following year, the Vermont Supreme Court allowed for same-sex marriage to occur and that they have all rights and benefits of marriage but no marriage licenses. A governor in Oklahoma in March 2000 announced a $10 million plan that encouraged marriage than divorce and in 2001 gay and lesbian couples in Massachusetts filed law suits seeking a right to marry. This followed with other New Jersey lesbian and gay couples suing the state court for denial of their right to marry. In 2003, the US Supreme Court struck down the remaining anti-gay sodomy laws which were in Texas and in other states. http://family. jrank. org/pages/1118/Marriage-Ceremonies. html In 2003-2004, the Federal Marriage Amendment was proposed but was defeated in congress. The amendment ought to have denied marriage rights to same-sex couples by indicating that marriage would only exist between a man and a woman. The divorce rate in 1980 was 22. 6% per 1000 married women and currently it is rated at 17. 7 percent.à Other observations and statistics show that the rate of marriage has declined from 76. 5 to 39. 9 percent per 1000 unmarried women. This has been a 50 percent drop and it is attributed to cohabitation rather than marriage. These posses a great risk on the children as it affects the family stability. Breakup rates for cohabitating couples are twice as that of married couples and in 40% of such couples children are born in this rather unstable and shaky relationship. The United States is found to have the weakest families in the western world. This is attributed to the high divorce rates as well as the increase in solo parenting. The divorce rate has generally been going up more recently with about 20 divorces for every 1000 women over the age of 15. (Nancy 2001) The divorces rate has had significant factors that have led to the rise in the United States. One of them has been that men and women are economically stable and so there is less need for each other in terms of economical survival. The rate has also been on the higher side because of birth control programs that allow men and women to separate sexual activity from bearing children.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
What is the impact of innovation on the revenue making capability of an organization - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1920 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? RESEARCH PROJECT Task 1 Research question The purpose of the research Potential research outcomes Rationale for choice of research Consideration of ethical issues Methodology to be used Task 2 Sequence and Time frame of the project activities Task 3 Literary and theoretical review Data Collection Which are you? What is Your Age? Are you employed? What is the size of your company? Does your organizationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s leaders/CEO promote the innovation in your organization? What is the purpose of innovation in your view? For fostering competition in the given organization, which of the following is required? Do your organization foster research and development objectives? How much Percentage of Profit is assigned to Research and Development? How much profit growth has been received in recent year as compared to previous year? Task 4 Summary of Findings and Conclusions Works Cited Appendix . Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What is the impact of innovation on the revenue making capability of an organization?" essay for you Create order Task 1 Research question What is the impact of innovation on the revenue making capability of an organization? The purpose of the research The purpose of the research is to analyze the impact of innovation in the context of organizational culture, organizational hierarchy, internal competition and the authority and self-respect differences between employees at different designation. Potential research outcomes The research will highlight the factors of innovation which can contribute to the excellence in an organization, and for the purpose of measurement, financial instruments are to be used specifically. The survey strategy will help in meeting the objectives of the research and the results will be concluded from it. Rationale for choice of research The corporate culture has been changed significantly in the last 10 years, whereas the culture remained similar in the last 50 years. It is highly acceptable that these are the technological, economic, environmental changes have been brought by the passage of time, and this involves the evolution of technology and economy which has changed the things significantly. As the matter of fact, there are only few organizations which have changed themselves according to the changes of time with full potential. The management approaches, the organizational hierarchy, and the use of computer is almost 50 years old, although these corporate factors have received refinements, but the use of old methods is inconsistent. The process of innovation is required in the modern time. The innovation cannot definitely associate with the financial excellence of a company, but this is a prime source of financial breakthrough and successful. Consideration of ethical issues The ethical issues involved in conducting this research will be the use of resources for conducting the research. The research should be original and the importance of originality has been emerged with the passage of time. The academic honesty is required for all types of research because it generates the culture of pure development in any field. Methodology to be used The methodology that is going to be used in this study comprises both the use of secondary and primary sources of data. The data will be conducted using the survey, and Google Documents form will be used to record and formulate the results for the purpose of conclusion. The theoretical background for the research will be provided using the secondary source of data and this will incorporate the use of existing material which will involve the use of books and published journal articles. Task 2 Sequence and Time frame of the project activities This Gantt chart shows the activities to be performed while conducting the research and there are set of activities which are required for the completion of research. The first stage is the planning of the research topic and selection. The nature of this task is strategic, and this requires less time as the work to be performed is less, therefore the time required is less. The methodology selection is another step to achieve the purpose of the research, and this will depend on the personal and institutional requirements. The empirical research has been carried out to support the objectives of the research. Literature and theoretical review will analyze the relevant topics and the researches carried out in the past by other researches. The Literature and theoretical review will also clarify the scope of the research. The survey is the 4th step, but this is the main step for the research and this will incorporate the primary data, and this will be conducted by sending questionnai res to population and will be analyzed subsequently. The next step is the interpretation of the data, and at the least, the results will be concluded from the interpretation of the data. The research will be carried out under the given plan, but if any changes are required while doing the research, the changes will be made. Task 3 Literary and theoretical review The increased globalization has resulted in the elimination of geographical boundaries, and the competition has been increased, it should be included in the strategic management agenda and it should not be administered on an ad hoc basis, 70% of the senior executives said that the innovation is one of the top three drivers (Barsh et al., 2008). The globalization has eliminated the geographical boundaries and the organizations are promoting the production of identical quality goods such as ISO and other technology standard organizations. The globalized product is of the identical quality, provided that the certification is achieved, and more than 200 countries are the member of ISO, therefore it can be concluded that the globalization has resulted in the production of quality products throughout the world. The extent of the certified production has not been presented, as it is not under the scope of this study. For the purpose of innovation, the generation of ideas with impact is required and this is the show of organizational learning, this will include experimentation, uniqueness and competency acquisition, for the effective idea generation, experimentation, competency acquisition, benchmarking and continuous improvement is required (Yeung et al., 1998). The profit impact is the accounting tool to measure the consequences of innovation. Innovation is not a sequential or orderly process and for this, a culture of innovation is to be promoted, and the leadership behavior is very important for the purpose of innovation (Birchall Tovstiga, 2005). The innovation is not a sequential process or disciplined process, therefore the innovation in the most organization has insularity and scattered-ness. Data Collection Which are you? Male 15 65% Female 8 35% What is Your Age? 18-25 years old 6 26% 26-35 years old 10 43% 36-50 years old 5 22% 51-65 years old 2 9% 65 above years old 0 0% Are you employed? Yes 18 78% No 5 22% What is the size of your company? Small (1-50 employees) 4 18% Medium (50-500 employees) 13 59% Large ( Above 500 employees) 5 23% Does your organizationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s leaders/CEO promote the innovation in your organization? Yes 14 70% No 6 30% What is the purpose of innovation in your view? Creation of competitive advantage 2 9% To counter increasing globalization 15 68% To serve the people through idea generation 4 18% A Continuous improvement process 1 5% For fostering competition in the given organization, which of the following is required? Organizational Learning 5 22% Experimentation 5 22% Leaders interest 6 26% Promotion of competitive culture in the company 7 30% Does your organization foster research and development objectives? Yes 18 78% No 5 22% How much Percentage of Profit is assigned to Research and Development? 1 % 4 19% 3% 7 33% 5% 9 43% 10% 0 0% above 10% 1 5% How much profit growth has been received in recent year as compared to previous year? 0 % growth 1 5% 1 % growth 1 5% 3 % growth 6 29% 5 % growth 5 24% 10 % growth 4 19% 10 % above growth 2 10% Loss/ Negative Growth 2 10% Task 4 Summary of Findings and Conclusions The questionnaires were sent to 30 people and 23 forms were received. The data were conducted using the Google Documents forms. The analysis of the data shows that most of the respondents were male and were of the age of 26-35% years old. The second most categories by age were 18-25 years old, whereas the least was above 65 years old, and most of the respondents were young i.e. of the age 18-35 years. Most of the respondents were employed and 78% of the respondents were employed, which cumulatively shows that most of the respondents were young and employed, therefore the data conducted is relevance for corporate purpose and it is likely to incorporate contemporary corporate practices, as most of the population is young, and of the age of 36, therefore if the age of employment is assumed 18, it can be concluded that most of the respondents started their jobs 17 years ago. The majority of the respondentà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s organization size was medium. The medium size organiz ation holds 50-500 employees (Mellor, 2008).Most of the respondents agreed that this is the CEO which is responsible for the promotion of innovation, there it can be cumulatively concluded that the respondents were young, employed, from the middle sized organization and are of the view that CEO has important role in the promotion innovation. Most of the respondents claimed that the purpose of innovation is to counter the increasing globalization. The motive behind the imports and exports were to trade the things which were abundant in one country, and scarce in another country, however the globalization impact has resulted in the virtual removal of the boundaries, and this has immensely increased the competition among countries and the corporations. The trend for the innovativeness factor was mixed, and most of the respondents depicted it is the Promotion of a competitive culture in the company which could result in innovativeness and 30% of the respondents depicted that, wher eas secondly it was leaderà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s interest which 25 % of the respondents depicted. The response for organizational learning and experimentation was same i.e. 22%. Most of the respondents depicted that their organization spend 5% of their profits on Research and development. 43% of the respondents showed that their organization spend 5% of their profits, whereas 33% depicted their organization spent 3% of profits, therefore more than 70% respondents (i.e. 78%) depicted that their organization spent 3-5% of the profits on R D. The response to the profit growth was mixed, and 29% respondents told that there was 3% growth in profits, which was the highest. 24% of the respondents showed that the profit growth was a little high i.e. 5%, whereas 19 % respondents depicted profit growth was 10%, therefore profit growth response for 3-10% was more than 70% i.e. 72%. There is the conformance of the results here, and the relationship between the research and development expen diture, the innovation (which has been measured through profit impact results) as 3-5% RD expenditure was reported by 78% and the profit increase of 3-10% from 72%. Works Cited Barsh, J., Capozzi, M. Davidson, , 2008. Leadership and innovation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 December 2013]. Birchall, D. Tovstiga, G., 2005. Capabilities for Strategic Advantage: Leading Through Technological Innovation. Palgrave Macmillan. Mellor, , 2008. Entrepreneurship for Everyone: A Student Textbook. SAGE. Yeung , K.A., Ulrich, D.O. Nason, S.W., 1998. Organizational Learning Capability : Generating and Generalizing Ideas with Impact: Generating and Generalizing Ideas with Impact. Oxford University Press. Appendix Which are you? Male Female What is Your Age? 18-25 years old 26-35 years old 36-50 years old 51-65 years old 65 above years old Are you employed Yes No What is the size of your company Small (1-50 employees) Medium (50-500 employees) Large ( Above 500 employees) Do your organizationà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s leaders/CEO promotes the innovation in your organization? Yes No What is the purpose of innovation in your view Creation of competitive advantage To counter increasing globalization To serve the people through idea generation A Continuous improvement process For fostering completion in the given organization, which of the following is required? Organizational Learning Experimentation Leaders interest Promotion of competitive culture in the company Does your organization foster research and development objectives? Yes No How much Percentage of Profit is assigned to Research and Development? 1 % 3% 5% 10% above 10% How much profit growth has been received in recent year as compared to previous year? 0 % growth 1 % growth 3 % growth 5 % growth 10 % growth 10 % above growth Loss/ Negative Growth 1
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Triumph Of Israel, By Etgar Keret s The Girl On The...
Israel is undoubtedly a country for the history books with its great conflicts, victories, atrocities, and deep necessity which makes it quite unique from any others and there are perhaps no better words to describe its history than with ââ¬Å"tragedyâ⬠and ââ¬Å"triumph.â⬠After this semester, I feel that I have a pretty clear viewpoint on these ideas. The triumph of Israel is its very existence both in general and specifically as a place for Jewish people that saved thousands and harbored refugees in times of great peril and horror for Jews. On the other hand, its tragedy is clearly the intense, seemingly unending conflict which is deeply ingrained within the region and that its very existence necessitates with the Arabs, as well as more specificâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦An Israeliââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬ (145). Israelââ¬â¢s existence gives the Jewish people a place to be free of antisemitism and hiding and a place that is their own with great importance to their history and religion. After years and years of feeling out of place and unsafe in Europe until finally the horrors of the Holocaust occurred, Israel is indeed a great victory for Jews and stands as a beacon of hope and progress. The triumph of the Jewish state is easily seen when assessing the bigger picture, but a huge part of it is on a personal level as well. Yes, thousands of refugees were able to escape to Israel from surrounding Arab countries as well as Europe, but thatââ¬â¢s not all there is to it. The smaller scale successes of Jews that eventually led to the industrious, forward-thinking, competitive, and progressive Israel that exists today are just as crucial to the story of Israel. One example would be the Strauss story told by Shavit in My Promised Land, which he describes as ââ¬Å"not only a story of a successful family and how it made its money, but a story of Israelââ¬â¢s industrious capitalismâ⬠(339). The Strauss family consisted of Richard and Hilda who married in Germany in 1934 as Adolf Hitler rose to power and, recognizing the impending danger and with concern for their child, the two decided to head to Israel. Hildaââ¬â¢s story specifically was extremely representative of the triumph of Israel, in my mind. Her pain and distress over leaving
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